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Policy statement for  Peace Clubs International Moodle.

Politique complète

Privacy Policy for Peace Clubs International


We are committed to protecting your privacy and providing users with a safe and functional personal learning and development environment. This Statement of Privacy applies to the Peace Clubs International Moodle site and governs data collection and usage.

Collection of personal information

By registering on Peace Clubs International Moodle you will be required to provide us with a certain amount of personal information. We will not disclose any of your personal information to any other person or organisation without your written consent unless authorised or required by law. 


In order to use Peace Clubs International Moodle, you must have cookies enabled within your browser. Please note that no personal information is stored within the cookies used in  Peace Clubs International Moodle.

A cookie is a data file that is placed on your computer by a web page server. Cookies are not programs, spyware or viruses and are unable to perform any operation by themselves.

How we use your personal information

We will only use your personal information for the purpose for which you provided it to us.

As  Peace Clubs International Moodle users you are able to determine what personal information you make available to others. By default, unless assigned administrator or staff access rights, a user may only view your display name (or name if you have not chosen / could not choose a display name) and your default profile picture. This includes listings within a notification report or visitor log.

We may also collect system usage for statistical purposes. However this data will not identify any individual.

Storage and security of your personal information

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any personal information we hold is not subject to loss or misuse or unauthorised access, disclosure or alteration.

In order to help protect your personal information, please do not disclose your username or password to any person.

Changes to this privacy statement

We may occasionally make adjustments to our privacy statement to reflect changes to the system and in response to customer feedback. As such we suggest you check the privacy statement each time you visit this site.


If you have any questions regarding this statement or believe we have not adhered to the above criteria, please contact us at and we will use all reasonable efforts to remedy the issue.


What information is included in the Moodle system.

Politique complète

Data held by the Moodle system

Data held by Moodle includes your name, email address, username and course information. 

Moodle logs contain detailed information about user activity within each course, including the date and time of when course-specific information was viewed and/or updated, the address of the machine from which the access was made, the browser identification information and information about the referring web page. Logs are used to create summary statistics. Summary statistics do not include personal data.

Information about contributions to courses, including contributions to chat rooms and discussion forums, ownership of resources, assignment/file submissions, text matching scores and evidence of participation in other Moodle-based activities is held within the Moodle system. 

Information and data related to users, including grades, feedback comments, scores, completion data, access rights and group membership is also recorded. 

Additional personal data may be held within individual courses, either within documents/resources uploaded to the course, or within activities within the course. Other than contributions to chat rooms and discussion forums which are submitted by individuals in a personal capacity, course maintainers are responsible for the information held about you that may be uploaded onto such courses.

How the Moodle system uses your personal information

Moodle records and uses your personal information to:

  • Provide you an account on, and identify you within, the VLE (Moodle) system
  • Provide you access to courses/sites within Moodle
  • Provide you the ability to upload, amend and delete certain information within Moodle 
  • Provide you access to the information, resources and activities uploaded to Moodle
  • Control access to different parts of the system. 
  • Help support Moodle users
  • For system administration and bug tracking
  • Report on course, resource and activity access, activity completion, course completion and course data (such as grades, scores, submissions and content uploaded)
  • For producing usage statistics for management and planning purposes

Individual courses within Moodle may collect additional personal information in order to: 

  • Provide services to the users
  • Support users in their use of Moodle

Who has access to Moodle data?

Only the Moodle systems team at Peace Clubs International has access to all information stored within Moodle for the purposes set out above. INDIVIDUAL USERS ONLY HAVE ACCESS TO THEIR OWN INFORMATION. THERE IS NO ACCESS TO OTHER USER INFORMATION.

Course administrators and maintainers have access to the personal information of the other users of that course. STUDENTS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO OTHER STUDENT INFORMATION IN A COURSE.

Access to Moodle logs is restricted to authorized staff at Peace Clubs International , with the exception of course-specific tracking data which is also made accessible to course maintainers where an appropriate course-specific privacy policy is in place.